Product Search

Product Search

As your list of products grows, it can become harder to find the exact item you want to add to your shopping list. To streamline this process, Aisleron has a built in Search feature to find the product you are looking for.

Searching is simple; tap the Search icon in application bar at the top of the page, and start typing the name of th product you’re looking for. The results will be updated in the currently visible shopping list as you type.

Some notes on the Search feature:

  • Search does not filter aisles.
  • Search is case-insensitive; ‘apples’, ‘Apples’, and ‘apPLes’ will return the same result.
  • Search ignores the product status filter of the current list. A search in a shop list will return products that are in stock, even though shops usually only shows needed items.
  • All list features still work on search results. You can change product status or organize your list straight from the search results.