Organizing Lists
A key feature of Aisleron is that, while all lists share the same product catalog, each list can be rearranged based on the layout of the physical location. This makes it easy to adapt your shopping list to any of your regular shops, while still making sure you get everything you need.
Why Should I Bother Organizing my Lists?
Most of us visit the same shops on a regular basis. We have a general idea of the layout of our favorite shops, but it can still be annoying getting to the end of a shopping trim, only to realize you forgot something way over in Aisle 1.
By arranging your aisles and products based on the shop’s physical layout, you can take off from one side of the shop and follow a single line through the aisles, with each product showing up exactly when it needs to in your flight path. No backtracking, no scrolling through the list to make sure you got it all, no hunting for that thing you definitely know is here somewhere but just can’t remember the right aisle.
Organizing a List
By default, each list starts off with products listed under No Aisle. To get started with organizing a list, add some aisles. Refer to Manage Aisles for some example layouts.
Once the list contains a few aisles, you can start rearranging aisles and products in the list. To move an item in the list
- Tap and hold the aisle or product you want to move.
- Once the item is selected, hold and drag the item to its new position in the list. A selected item will change color and its name will be displayed in the title bar.
- Release the item at its new position to complete the move.
An Aisle can be moved to before or after any other aisles in the list.
A Product can be moved:
- from any aisle to another, and;
- to before or after any other product in the aisle.
After positioning all aisles and products your list should have:
- Aisles arranged in the same order as the physical shop;
- Products matching the Aisle, and location within an aisle, as in the physical shop.