Manage Shops
In Aisleron, a Shop represents a physical location where you can buy products. A Shop is laid out by Aisle, with products sorted into the Shop Aisles. You can set up multiple shops with different layouts; needed products will be displayed in all shops.
Frequently used Shops can be pinned to the navigation drawer for easy access. Pinned and unpinned shops can be accessed from the All Shops page. To access All Shops, tap the hamburger menu to open the navigation drawer. Next, tap the All Shops menu item under the Shops category.
To add, edit, or delete a shop, see the instructions below.
All Shops Page
From the All Shops page, you can view all your shops, jump to the shop list, and manage shops. To view the All Shops page, select it from the Navigation Drawer.
To view a shop list, tap the shop icon on the All Shops list.
Add a Shop
You can add a shop from either the All Shops page, or from any list by using the Floating Action Button (fab).
To add a shop from the All Shops page, tap the Add Shop fab in the bottom right corner to open the Add Shop page.
To add a shop from a list, tap the fab in the bottom right corner, then tap the Add Shop sub-fab
to open the Add Shop page.
On the Add Shop page, enter a the following details:
- Shop Name: Enter a unique name for the new shop. If the shop name already exists, you will not be allowed to save the shop.
- Pin Shop to Drawer: Toggle whether to pin or unpin a shop on the navigation drawer.
Tap Save in the top right corner to save the shop. Once saved, the shop will be available in All Shops, and, if pinned, under the Shops section in the navigation drawer.
To cancel the Add action, tap the Back button.
Edit a Shop
Shops can be edited from the All Shops page. To edit a shop, long-press the shop, then tap the Edit pencil icon in the header bar to open the Edit Shop page.
On the Edit Shop page, you can edit the following details:
- Shop Name: Enter a new unique name for the new shop. If the shop name already exists, you will not be allowed to save the shop. You can still save the shop if you haven’t changed the name.
- Pin Shop to Drawer: Toggle whether to pin or unpin a shop on the navigation drawer.
Tap Save in the top right corner to save the shop.
To cancel the Edit action, tap the Back button.
Delete a Shop
Shops can be deleted from the All Shops page
To delete a shop, long-press the shop, tap the header bar three-dot menu, then tap the Delete option.
On the Delete confirmation page, tap OK to delete the shop, or tap Cancel to cancel the delete action.